Serverless AWS Ruby SQS with DynamoDB example

This is an example of the usage of the SQS with DynamoDB, API Gateway, and AWS Lambda functions, and Cloudwatch for monitoring. The service is for the purpose of creating lottery coupons for people. Each and every coupon consists of the id, first_name, last_name and coupon_value as well as of created_at timestamp. API Gateway is triggering producing an SQS message, and then the consumer will create a record within the DynamoDB table. The incoming requests are validated with the usage of dry-schema.

For the purpose of SQS part, the Lift construct was used, to allow using AWS CDK constructs functionalities.



Regarding Lift queue construct:

  • It creates an SQS queue with a worker running on AWS Lambda.
  • A worker Lambda function, the purpose here is to process each and every message which is in the queue.
  • An SQS DLQ the purpose here is to store all failed messages.
  • Cloudwatch for alerting via email. Applies when SQS DLQ has failed messages, and the alerting option is enabled (in our case is true).


npm install to install all needed packages.


In order to deploy the service run:

sls deploy

for deploying with a specific profile (located in ~/.aws/credentials) you can simply use the command:


for deploying to the specific stage, let's say staging do:

sls deploy --stage staging

The expected result should be similar to:

Serverless: Running "serverless" installed locally (in service node_modules)
Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Excluding development dependencies...
Serverless: Clearing previous build ruby layer build
[ '2.1' ]
Serverless: Installing gem using local bundler
Serverless: Zipping the gemfiles to examples/aws-ruby-sqs-with-dynamodb/.serverless/ruby_layer/
Serverless: Configuring Layer and GEM_PATH to the functions
Serverless: Uploading CloudFormation file to S3...
Serverless: Uploading artifacts...
Serverless: Uploading service file to S3 (7.71 KB)...
Serverless: Uploading service file to S3 (1.35 MB)...
Serverless: Validating template...
Serverless: Updating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack update progress...
Serverless: Stack update finished...
Service Information
service: serverless-ruby-sqs-dynamodb
stage: dev
region: your-region-here
stack: serverless-ruby-sqs-dynamodb-dev
resources: 22
api keys:
createLotteryCoupon: serverless-ruby-sqs-dynamodb-dev-createLotteryCoupon
lotteryQueueWorker: serverless-ruby-sqs-dynamodb-dev-lotteryQueueWorker
gem: arn:aws:lambda:your-region-here:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:layer:serverless-ruby-sqs-dynamodb-dev-ruby-bundle:3


After the deployment, you will obtain the API Gateway endpoint. Simply send the POST request to it with params (either curl, or via Postman):

curl --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"first_name": "Daniel", "last_name": "Ani", "coupon_value": 99}'


The response to the above requests will be:

"message": "Message sent"

To check created records check your DynamoDB table:


Important: The DynamoDB table name is a combination of service name and stage. For the dev stage it will be:


For checking the CloudWatch logs:

  • from lambda dashboard the createLotteryCoupon function:


  • directly from CloudWatch logs createLotteryCoupon function:


Same for the lotteryQueueWorker function.


It is possible to configure email alerts in case messages end up in the dead letter queue. Within the queue construct edit the alarm value to your email.

Make sure, that you confirm the subscription to the AWS Notification through your email:


For more options, it's possible to set up more settings.

Log retention

The log retention is setup for 30 days. To change it simply change the value of this attribute in serverless.yml file:

logRetentionInDays: 30


./srcAll code for the project.
./src/handlers/handlerLambda function for producing sqs messages.
./src/handlers/workerLambda function for consuming sqs messages.
./src/common/Space for common, reusable pieces of code.
./src/common/adapters/dynamo_db_adapter.rbAdapter for communication with DynamoDB with the usage of AWS SDK for Ruby. Only used for creating new records.
./src/common/adapters/sqs_adapter.rbAdapter for communication with SQS with the usage of AWS SDK for Ruby. Only used for sending new messages to SQS.
./src/common/services/create_lottery_coupon_service.rbThe service object pattern is widely used within ruby/rails developers. A class that is responsible for doing only one thing. In our case is creating a lottery coupon record to the DynamoDB.
./src/common/services/create_sqs_message_service.rbIn our case is sending a message to SQS.
./src/common/helpers/requests_helper.rbHelper methods for requests. In our case, for parsing and symbolize hash keys.
./src/common/schemas/lottery_coupon_schema.rbSchemas for entities within the application. In our case, the schema with required keys and data types for lottery coupon.
./src/common/serializers/error_serializer.rbError serializer for 422 error. It gathers the dry-schema validation errors and puts them in a proper structure.
./src/common/validators/lottery_coupon_validator.rbValidator for the lottery coupon record. It's validating the incoming request against the dry-schema structure and returns errors and information on whether the params are incorrect.

Serverless plugins

For this example, there are two serverless plugins used:

serverless-ruby-layerFor bundling ruby gems from Gemfile and deploys them to the lambda layer.
serverless-liftFor using AWS CDK construct within the Serverless Framework. In this example, queue construct.

Ruby gems

aws-sdk-dynamodbIt's a part of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Used for DynamoDB, in the case of this example - the creation of the new record.
aws-sdk-sqsIt's a part of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Used for SQS, in the case of this example - produces and handles messages from the queue.
dry-schemaFor the purpose of the validation of the incoming requests. Validate both schema and data types.

Eject from the Lift plugin

A very cool aspect is the eject|. In case your project grows beyond the plugin, you can eject from Lift at any time, as the plugin is based on CloudFormation. You're not chained to Lift at all.

Remove service

To remove the service do:

sls remove

And the stack will be removed from the AWS.